First publication of this article on 26 October 2006
Eustathius is a set of programs to test ABNF grammars by parsing them and generating texts which obey the grammar.
Eustathius can be downloaded. It will require an Haskell compiler to build.
You are free to use it, accoding to the GPL.
Here is a sample grammar (you can find many others, typically
extracted from the RFCs in the
directory of the distribution) of a
Lisp-like programming language:
program = expr expr = spaces "(" spaces *(expr / term ) spaces ")" spaces term = 1*ALPHA spaces = *WSP
And here is the result of parsing with
, a program of Eustathius:
% ./abnf-parse tests/minilisp.abnf program : expr expr : Seq[spaces ( spaces 0*10Choice[expr term] spaces ) spaces] term : 1*10ALPHA spaces : 0*10WSP ... All the rules: expr: (UNsafe) term: (Safe) ...
(Safe are the rules for which there is at least a terminal in the next N steps.)
After that, you can use Eustathius to generate sample programs, for instance to give them to your parser:
% ./abnf-generate -s program tests/minilisp.abnf ( ( eWbejp ( )( kwMRMhvamEcGMLTDWGhTlooAXHQmzmwYiqEMn ) erDZ)LXfhB ()ZtkatUFlSZ (yrKg (daaLeuAxXFGZq) ) (ObMi(y ) CoqZBW(qET ) ) )
Remember that the ABNF grammar (specified in RFC 5234) only describes the syntax. Some semantic rules are not, or cannot be expressed in the grammar and therefore, Eustathius can produce texts which are not legal. For instance, in RFC 3339, you find a grammar to generate dates and it does not protect against months > 12, so Eustathius can do:
% ./abnf-generate -s date tests/date.abnf 2679-73-08
Similar or useful programs:
Thanks to Kim-Minh Kaplan for his help and the discussions.
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