First publication of this article on 8 November 2022
Remember that IETF develops the
standards for the
Internet, roughly from layer
3 to some parts of layer 7. One
of the most important technologies at IETF is of course the
DNS. The role of
the IETF hackathons, that take place the
weekend just before the IETF meeting, is to try to implement new
ideas (not yet standardized) to see if it works (IETF prides itself
on relying on "running code"). This time, we were four persons
working on DNS error reporting. This technique is currently
specified in an Internet Draft
. The
problem it tries to solve is the one of informing the managers of a
zone that there is some technical problem detected by a DNS
resolver. Today, if you don't test your zone thoroughly with tools
like DNSviz or Zonemaster, you'll know that
there is a problem only when users will complain on
Twitter. It would be better to be told by
your clients, the resolvers, before that.
The way it works is a follows:
You can see there are three actors and therefore three programs to modify (the last ones, the servers for the report receiving domain, could be unmodified authoritative name servers). I worked on the authoritative side, using the experimental name server Drink. Willem Toorop worked on the Unbound resolver and Shane Kerr on another (proprietary) authoritative server. Roy Arends helped, replied and modified the draft with our feedback.
The draft is quite simple and straightforward. Drink was modified to emit a new EDNS option:
report_to = Binary.from_list(encode(config()["reporting-agent"])) length = byte_size(report_to) Binary.append(<<Drink.EdnsCodes.reporting::unsigned-integer-size(16), length::unsigned-integer-size(16)>>, report_to)
And then to process the reports (the query type for the reports is TXT):
"report" -> if config()["services"]["report"] do case qtype do :txt -> result =, ".")) %{:rcode => Drink.RCodes.noerror, :data => [result], :ttl => @report_ttl} :any -> @any_hinfo _ -> %{:rcode => Drink.RCodes.noerror} end
Reports are stored in a separate agent. Note that we check they are
properly formed, with the label _er
at the
beginning and at the end:
def post(value) do labels = String.split(value, ".") if List.last(labels) == "report" do labels = List.delete_at(labels, length(labels)-1) # Remove report if List.first(labels) == "_er" and List.last(labels) == "_er" do labels = List.delete_at(List.delete_at(labels, length(labels)-1), 0) # Remove _er error_code = List.last(labels) qtype = List.first(labels) qname = Enum.join(List.delete_at(List.delete_at(labels, length(labels)-1), 0), ".") Agent.update(__MODULE__, fn state -> [{error_code, qtype, qname} | state] end) "Thanks for the report of error #{error_code} on #{qname}" else # Else do nothing, probably QNAME minimization (or may be broken report) "Invalid report" end end end
From the outside, this looks like this:
% dig TXT ... ;; ANSWER SECTION: 24 IN TXT "Thanks for the report of error 9 on foobar.example" ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 15 IN NS ...
Since Drink is fully dynamic, it allows us to send a response depending on the analysis of the report (but the draft says you can return anything, you can use a static TXT record). If the report is invalid:
% dig TXT ... ;; ANSWER SECTION: 30 IN TXT "Invalid report"
One can then retrieve the report, by asking the name server:
% echo report | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/home/stephane/.drink.sock REPORT state: foobar.example, 9 funny.example, 9;2
Lessons from the hackathon? Drink is well suited for rapid exprimentation (it was one of its goals), the draft is clear and simple and interoperability is fine. By querying the modified Unbound resolver, we see report queries arriving and being accepted. Here, a DNSSEC error:
% dig @2a04:b900:0:100::28 ... ;; OPT PSEUDOSECTION: ... ; EDE: 9 (DNSKEY Missing): (validation failure < A IN>: key for validation is marked as invalid because of a previous validation failure < A IN>: No DNSKEY record from 2001:41d0:302:2200::180 for key while building chain of trust) ...
(Errors are the errors specified in RFC 8914.) And Drink saw:
nov. 08 18:17:14 smoking Drink[365437]: [info] queried for
% echo report | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/home/stephane/.drink.sock REPORT state: foobar.example, 9 funny.example, 9;2, 9
So, it is a success. You can see all the reports made at the end
of the hackathon (ours is
"IETF115-DNS-Hackathon-Results.pdf "). Outside of that, there is
a Wireshark implementation of the EDNS
Because it is a work in progress, note that there were changes before, during and after the hackathon. The query type for the reports changed from NULL to TXT (the code for NULL was tested and works), the EDNS option is now returned only when the resolver asks for it (this is not yet done in Drink), the format of the query report changed, etc. The goal is to test, not to make stable code.
The code, written in Elixir, is available
online. It is not yet merged in the master, you have to use
the git branch
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